It Does Get Better

“Whatever happens, you are going to be fine, we are going to be fine.”

Someone told me this almost two years ago, and I genuinely did not believe them. I felt so trapped, so consumed, so alone. But I came to learn that firstly I am not alone, and secondly I am going to be fine. It does get better. Even at the lowest moments, it does get better.

The person who told me this is someone very close to me, whom I trust wholeheartedly. So hearing this from someone I trust so very much, and convincing myself that it was not true, made me even sadder.

It has genuinely helped me so much to reflect upon the times when I was not okay. It’s okay to not be okay. It is also okay to be unable to see how it can get better. At this point in my life, when the person said this to me, I couldn’t see it. I had shifted my thinking to only see the bad. To only talk about how I was not fine, and would not be fine.

I very much enjoy writing, but don’t do it as often as I used to. But when I do, a quote I constantly think about is this one. I can say that now, although I am not without my low moments, it got better. I am fine. I am going to be fine. I am good, I am better than fine. That is something that two years ago, when I was told this, I couldn’t see it. It is one thing to see it now, but it is another to be living in it. It does get better.

I’m not entirely sure what my intentions of writing this are, but I guess it is to prove to myself that it does get better, as well as hopefully inspire others to see how the darkness doesn’t consume you forever.

Written by: Maeve Larson


Journal Entry